Author: Exchange My Car

Exchange My Car

85 Articles Published by This Author

Updated on: March 5, 2024
What is a Cat D Car? 6 months ago

If you’re in the market for buying or selling a used car, understanding car categories can be helpful. One such category is Cat D, or Category D, cars. These are vehicles that have been previously classified as “damaged” but have since been repaired and made roadworthy again. In this article, we’ll dive into the details […]

Published on: February 26, 2024
What are The Different Types of Car Finance Options? 6 months ago

When it comes to purchasing a car, the outright cash purchase is merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of available finance options. In today’s market, car buyers are presented with an assortment of car finance solutions, each with its unique advantages and considerations. Whether you’re a first-time car buyer, a business owner in […]

Updated on: March 5, 2024
What Mileage is Good for a Used Car? 7 months ago

When it comes to buying a used car, one of the most important factors is its mileage. Mileage refers to the distance that a vehicle has travelled since it was first manufactured. The lower the mileage, the newer and more reliable a car is presumed to be. But what exactly is considered good mileage for […]

Published on: February 19, 2024
Should I Buy a Diesel Car in 2024? 7 months ago

A few years back diesel cars were the popular choice among car buyers, but recently in the past few years the scenario has changed. With stricter emission norms and increased environmental concerns, diesel cars are facing criticism and have been banned in many cities around the world. This has led many people to question whether […]

Updated on: April 3, 2024
What is a Crossover Car? 7 months ago

A crossover car, often seen as a perfect blend between a hatchback’s compactness and an SUV’s rugged capability, occupies a sweet spot in the automotive market. It’s designed for those who seek the comfort and efficiency of a smaller car, but crave the space and versatility typically found in something bigger. In this blog, we […]

Updated on: April 2, 2024
11 Tips for Driving on Icy Road 7 months ago

During the unpredictable winter months driving on icy roads can be quite risky even for the most experienced drivers. The treacherously slick surfaces, the impaired visibility due to falling snow or fog, and the unpredictability of other road users all combine to create an environment that commands utmost respect and caution. The risks associated with […]

Published on: February 8, 2024
Why are SUVs So Popular? 7 months ago

In recent years, the sight of Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) dominating the roads has become increasingly common. Their rise in popularity signals a shift in consumer preferences, reflecting the diverse needs and desires of modern drivers. But what exactly is driving the unwavering appeal of these robust vehicles? From their commanding road presence to their […]

Published on: February 6, 2024
Why Timely Car Service Saves Money & Prevents Costly Repairs? 7 months ago

Regular car servicing is a bit like a routine health check-up for your vehicle. Neglect it, and you might find yourself stuck with hefty repair bills and a car that’s on the brink of a breakdown. Much like how catching health issues early can save a lot of trouble and expense down the line, timely […]

Updated on: February 4, 2024
How to Remove Cat N From Car? Is That Even Possible? 7 months ago

When purchasing a car, it’s always important to know the history and condition of the vehicle. This is why categories like Cat N (Category N) exist, to inform buyers of any potential risks or issues with the car. But what if you’ve already owned a Cat N car? Or perhaps you’re looking to buy a […]

Published on: January 27, 2024
The Role of Electric Vehicles in Reducing Air Pollution 7 months ago

The wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) marks a shift in the automotive industry. At the same time, this trend is significantly contributing to the improvement of air quality and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Here are the different ways in which the widespread use of electric vehicles helps control air pollution. Zero Tailpipe […]

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